Routeros Mikrotik Tutorial - Unduh Debian

Debian is distributed freely over Internet. 

You can unduh all of it from any of 

our mirrors.
 The Installation Manual contains detailed 

installation instructions.
If you simply want to install Debian, these are your options:

Download an installation image

Depending on your Internet connection, you may unduh either of the following:

Try Debian live before installing

You can try Debian by booting a live system from a CD, DVD or USB key without installing any files to the computer. When you are ready, you can run the included installer. Provided the images meet your size, language, and package selection requirements, this method may be suitable for you. Read more information about this method to help you decide.

Buy a set of CDs or DVDs from one of the vendors selling Debian CDs

Many of the vendors sell the distribution for less than US$5 plus shipping (check their web page to see if they ship internationally).
Some of the books about Debian come with CDs, too.
Here are the basic advantages of CDs:
  • Installation from a CD set is more straightforward.
  • You can install on machines without an Internet connection.
  • You can install Debian (on as many machines as you like) without downloading all packages yourself.
  • The CD can be used to more easily rescue a damaged Debian system.
