Instalasi pada PC Proxy
--Instalasi Web Proxy di Ubuntu Server 12.04 part 1 - Instalasi Ubuntu Server 12.04---
Hardware (silahkan disesuaikan)
- Proc Core 2 Duo
- HDD 40 GB
- RAM 1 GB
- Unduh Ubuntu Server ver 12.04 (iso)
- Unduh & Install Putty Installer
- Unduh & Install WinSCP Installer
- Install NIAT terlebih dahulu :-)
- Burn iso file ke CD /DVD
- Set BIOS PC untuk First Boot melalui CD/DVD
Instalasi Ubuntu Server ver 12.04 Lts
Silahkan ikuti petunjuk instalasi dibawah ini. Jumlah cache dan besaran cache sila disesuaikan
---- Configure Language, Location, locales ----
- English [ Tekan Enter ]
- Install Ubuntu Server [ Tekan Enter ]
- English [ Tekan Enter ]
- Other [ Tekan Enter ]
- Asia [ Tekan Enter ]
- Indonesia [ Tekan Enter ]
- United States [ Tekan Enter ]
----Configure the keyboard----
- No [ Tekan Enter ]
- English (US) [ Tekan Enter ]
- English (US) [ Tekan Enter ]
---- Configure the network ----
- Continue [ Tekan Enter ]
- Configure Network Manually [ Tekan Enter ]
- IP Address : [ Tekan Enter ]
- Netmask : [ Tekan Enter ]
- Gateway : [ Tekan Enter ]
- Name Server address : [ Tekan Enter ]
- Hostname : BelajarJaringan [ Tekan Enter ]
- Domain name : [ Tekan Enter ]
- Full name for new user : Belajar Jaringan [ Tekan Enter ]
- username for your account : mencar ilmu [ Tekan Enter ]
- choose a password for the new user : passwordku [ Tekan Enter ]
- Re-enter password to verify : passwordku [ Tekan Enter ]
- Encrypt your home directory? : No [ Tekan Enter ]
---- Configure the clock ----
- Jakarta
---- Partition disk ----
- Manual
- SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 42.9 GB [ Tekan Enter ]
- Create New Partition table on this device ? Yes [ Tekan Enter ]
- pri/log 42.9 GB FREE SPACE [ Tekan Enter ]
- Create a New Partition
- New Partition size : 1 GB [ Tekan Enter ]
- Type for the new partition : Primary [ Tekan Enter ]
- Location for the new partition : Beginning [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Mount point [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih /boot - static files of the boot loader [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Mount options [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Noatime [Tekan Tombol Spacebar] [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Bootable flag [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Done setting up the partition [ Tekan Enter ]
- pri/log 41.9 GB FREE SPACE [ Tekan Enter ]
- Create a New Partition
- New Partition size : 2 GB [ Tekan Enter ]
- Type for the new partition : Primary [ Tekan Enter ]
- Location for the new partition : Beginning [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Use [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih swap area [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Done setting up the partition [ Tekan Enter ]
- pri/log 39.9 GB FREE SPACE [ Tekan Enter ]
- Create a New Partition
- New Partition size : 19.9 GB [ Tekan Enter ] ------------------> Saya sisakan 20 GB untuk cache dir
- Type for the new partition : Primary [ Tekan Enter ]
- Location for the new partition : Beginning [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Mount point [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih / - the root file system [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Mount options [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Noatime [Tekan Tombol Spacebar] [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Done setting up the partition [ Tekan Enter ]
- pri/log 20 GB FREE SPACE [ Tekan Enter ]
- Create a New Partition
- New Partition size : 20 GB [ Tekan Enter ]
- Type for the new partition : Logical [ Tekan Enter ]
- Location for the new partition : Beginning [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Use [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih ReiserFS journaling file system
- Pilih Mount point [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Enter manually [ Tekan Enter ]
- Hapus /Home ganti menjadi /cache1 [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Mount options [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Noatime [Tekan Tombol Spacebar], Pilih Notail [Tekan Tombol Spacebar] [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Done setting up the partition [ Tekan Enter ]
- Pilih Finish partitioning and write changes to disk [ Tekan Enter ]
- Write the changes to disks : Yes [ Tekan Enter ]
--- Configure the package manager ----
- HTTP proxy information (blank for none) : [ Tekan Enter ]
--- Configure tasksel ---
- How do you want to manage upgrade on this system? : No automatic updates [ Tekan Enter ]
--- Software selection ---
- Pilih OpenSSH Server [Tekan Tombol Spacebar] [ Tekan Enter ]
--- Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk---
- Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record? : Yes [ Tekan Enter ]
--- [!!] Finish the installation ---
- Pilih Continue [ Tekan Enter ]
- keluarkan CD Installer
Mengganti Password root
1. Login ke Proxy melalui WinSCP/ Putty dengan login yg Anda buat sewaktu install
2. ketik perintah dibawah ini
sudo su [tekan ENTER]
(masukkan password user yang anda buat sewaktu install)
3. ketik lagi
passwd root [tekan ENTER]
ENTER new UNIX password : (masukkan password gres untuk root)
Retype new UNIX password : (masukkan kembali password yang sama)
pastikan muncul goresan pena : passwd : password updated successfully
- Home
- Routeros Mikrotik Tutorial - Partisi HDD on Ubnt for Prxy srv
Routeros Mikrotik Tutorial - Partisi HDD on Ubnt for Prxy srv
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